RADIO 1 Broadcast School


Announcer / Air Personality
By far, most of our graduates are hired as announcers at radio stations. 
This usually includes a 4-5 hour airshift, plus daily production time,
occasional live broadcasts, and other duties.


News Reporter / Anchor
This position involves news gathering, writing, and reading. 
You could be a news anchor at a music station in the morning or afternoon,
or for a cluster of stations.  On an all-news station, you could be part of a team.


Production of promos, commercials, and other audio is a very important aspect of any radio station. 
This is usually a part of the daily responsibility of announcers. 
At some multi-station facilities, or larger market stations, it is a full-time position. 
By using your voice, music, sound effects, and various production techniques,
you create unique audio ready for air.



Radio Broadcast Sales Rep
There currently is a good supply of Radio Station Account Executive openings.
As a Sales Rep, you call on businesses in your station's listening area to help
them market their business through radio advertising. 
This includes sponsoring special events and live remotes as well as :30 and :60 radio ads.



Radio stations place a big importance on promotions, such as giveaways, contests, and parties. 
A promotions director is in charge of putting it all together. 
Again, this can be one of the announcers responsibility, or in some cases, a full time job.


Music Director
This job involves helping to choose the songs that a station plays. 
The music director puts together the daily playlist.


There are more all-sports stations now than ever before. 
These stations need play-by-play announcers, sports news anchors, and sports talk-show hosts.


Other Opportunities
Being an announcer at a radio station lends itself to part time, lucrative, tangent opportunities. 
This includes voiceover work for studios, ad agencies, and audio production houses. 
Also, many radio announcers moonlight as road-show DJs for weddings, school dances, and parties.


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